7 Dimensions of Wellness

7 Dimensions of Wellness
7 Dimensions of Wellness

Friday, October 29, 2010

Follow Us on Twitter

If you're on Twitter, please follow the 
Center of Wellness for Urban Women 
for health information and more! 


Being me. Being Free.

How did we develop a society that doesn't allow people to just be who they are?

Even at 42, I'm still fighting to be my authentic self. I've finally grown to a place where I'm good with me, the good things and the messy stuff.  I understand it all.  I'm hardwired to be introverted, overly loving and concerned, strong, sensitive, focused, and driven.  It can make for an odd combo but I understand it as I work at being and living the very reason for my creation. It works...for me. 

Its sad that we have young people killing themselves because they can't be who they are. We can look to all aspects of society for contributing to this underlying, unnerving weight on our spirits that we are somehow 'not right'.  We are all "Can't get right" it seems. We don't live in the right neighborhoods. We don't have the right religion. We don't have a big enough ass. We don't have the right skin tone.  We don't have the right gender. We don't have the right sexual orientation.

Be Free. Let others Be Free.

We should all live a life where our mantras should cry out, "Do others no harm!" 

Let's stop hurting each other. Love one another....daily.

Monday, October 18, 2010

P90X Day 2

I have to admit that Day 2 kicked my bootay!

Plyometrics is a BEAST but I felt the burn and I did what I could. Modify, Modify, Modify.

I really excited to continue this journey.

I'm loving P90x!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On the road to Vegetarianism….or maybe not

On the road to Vegetarianism….or maybe not

I’m not a big meat eater. I don’t like beef and I don’t eat pork. I’m a chicken and fish type of chick but I’m surrounded by vegetarians and vegans. Each of them has chosen that path for whatever reason but all are great advocates for the cause and so am I.

Every Monday on my nonprofit’s facebook page, we support the Meatless Monday campaign, http://cwuwonline.org. I wholeheartedly believe that a person’s reduction in the take of meats is a healthy choice even if it’s just one day per week.

So it would make sense for me to start this journey but what I didn’t do was my research which was odd for me. I thought because I only eat chicken and fish that the transition would be easy. What I’ve learned, eating meats of any kind is a habit and habits sometimes are hard to break. I had to go back to square one and do my due diligence and read and talk to more people about their transition.

I’ve learned that you still have think about your food choices and be smart about portion control. I’ve realized this is the right health choice for me and that I have to take advantage of the resources at the library, online, and my friends.

Eating fresh salads has been the easiest part of the transition. My biggest obstacle is that….wait for it…..wait for it….I hate to cook. I don’t like anything about a kitchen but because I value my health and I really want to make this work and learn to like some aspect of cooking. The Meatless Monday website has great recipes which I’m going to try and yes, cook. I’m finding that I really like carrots, raw and cooked. I ate a veggie plate of well seasoned broccoli at a restaurant and was very satisfied and have fallen in love with the veggie nachos at Qdoba.

It’s so possible.

Vegetarianism is a part of my health journey. I need and want to be smart about my choices.


First posted on FitCity Moms Blog:

Please visit: FitCity Blog at http://blog.fitcityindy.org/