7 Dimensions of Wellness

7 Dimensions of Wellness
7 Dimensions of Wellness

Monday, July 14, 2014


As much as I enjoy working out alone, I've accepted that in order for ME to improve in areas I'm looking to improve, I need to surround myself with people who challenge me to do more. I do not have the desire to compete against others, just myself. I will admit that I've stayed in my comfort zone too long and I am no longer afraid to say that I want to be stronger, faster, and leaner. I want to conquer the fear of clipping into my bike. I want to conquer the fear of 26.2 miles. I want to conquer the fear of lifting heavier. I'm done with making excuses that I said I didn't make. I know that fear is keeping me from MY personal greatness and it is time for me to #GetUncomfortable and #BeGreat.

This is the Facebook status I posted 6 days ago and I must admit, I inspired myself. I posted this because I needed to put it in the universe that I was afraid; that I care (to some degree) what others think. I didn’t want to be that person who is “doing the most” because that’s bad…right? Wrong. Fact, I am setting out to “do the most” why not? I’m not injured, I’m not hurting anyone, I can physically do it, and shoot, let y’all tell it I’m an “inspiration.” That still trips me out, but I’ve learned that I cannot tell anyone what/who should/does inspire them.  

Then it happens, I exhaled and embraced the idea of being great; my great. I felt empowered. I felt strong. I took action. I called a couple of people who expressed interest in helping me learn more about cycling. I’ve signed up for group rides. I exchanged my bike for the one I really wanted (but said I didn’t) and quickly silenced the voice that said “you don’t need that bike.” I had the cleats on my spin shoes adjusted. I purchased clipless pedals (not sure why they are called clipless of you clip in) I CLIPPED into the pedals! I rode that daggone bike. I did not fall. I ventured out to run routes that are a little tougher and secured me an accountability partner. I got UNCOMFORTABLE! I felt proud of myself. I. WAS. GREAT!!! Weak (fear) left me. Strong appeared. I am doing the most…the most for me.

Now, if I can “do the most,” #BeGreat and #GetUncomfortable what is keeping you from your personal greatness? Is it fear? Naysayers? Limitations that you’ve placed on yourself? Whatever the obstacle, acknowledge it. Crush it! #BeGreat.

Peace and Love,


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