7 Dimensions of Wellness

7 Dimensions of Wellness
7 Dimensions of Wellness

Friday, December 30, 2011

Year End Wrap Up

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted. If my memory serves me correctly I had fallen off the Insanity train the last time I posted. Insanity is a beast and I only lasted 21 days. 

Well, since then I have not stopped working out, I simply found other ways to stay active such as I completing the Susan G. Komen 3 day for the Cure; this event required me to walk 60 miles over 3 days. I have also found love in running…yep, I said it…running! During my training for the 3 Day, I was so bored with walking all of those training miles that I simply wanted to finish so I started running and I really enjoy it. If you would have told me this time last year at the tender young age of 40 (you know it’s the new 30) that I would just take off running, I would have laughed at you, but here I am…a runner. 
Anyway, I run with a group called Black Girls Run! here in Atlanta. The group has chapters in almost every state. The support and encouragement that I have received is amazing. I was a little reluctant to join at first because I thought I needed to be a runner, but the group encourages walkers and runners of all abilitites and fitness levels. As a result, I have run 2- 5k races (3.1 miles) and one 10k (6.2 miles) race. I did not place but I wasn’t trying to, my goal was to finish.  I did earn my first medal and you would have thought it was Olympic Gold…lol   

I have also signed up to participate on 2 different marathon relay teams in 2012. On these teams I will be the anchor leg; not because I’m fast but because no one else wanted to be last or run the longer miles…lol but I figured this is a new challenge for me to conquer. I will also be participating in at least 4 half marathons; 2 in Georgia, 1 in Kentucky, and 1 in South Carolina. Why? Just because I like the medals and I really do like running. Now let me say this, I WILL NOT…let me repeat WILL NOT run the entire 13.1 miles because I have learned to use run walk intervals. This method of running allows your body to recover during your run and improve your overall performance. So I figure if I can walk some then I will be fine. 

Why am I telling you this? Well, I hope this post will serve as inspiration for you to get moving in 2012. I’m not saying that you need to do any extreme workouts or run, but I know if you have 2 healthy legs you can get out and walk with CWUW or on your own. Personally, I prefer to exercise/run with others because it keeps me accountable.

Finally, I have decided not to make Resolutions for 2012 instead I have decided to create a vision board. This vision board will include goals I want to accomplish in 2012. For example I will have a picture of each medal I want to earn and I will have the number “185” on it to represent what I would like to weigh next year. I will also include pictures of things that inspire me. Maybe you should think about it; it will serve as a daily reminder of what you want to accomplish.

Before & Now photos…I'm not done yet, that is why I don't use "Before & After." 

Here are some sites that are great for walkers and runners of all abilities.

Hal Higdon offers free training plans if you are interested in walking or running any race www.halhigdon.com

Jeff Galloway offers free training plans too but he uses interval training. I use both Jeff and Hal

Vision board

Well, have a WONDERFULLY BLESSED New Year!  I will drop in from time to time and share what’s going on with me and of course pictures of my medals…lol

Peace & Love

Friday, December 16, 2011


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Do you have time to spare? Are you interested in working on multiple health projects?

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